A Field Guide to the Birds of Malaysia

Lim Kim Seng, Yong Ding Li and Lim Kim ChuahDana Gardner
A Field Guide to the Birds of Malaysia is a fully comprehensive field guide to the 829 bird species of Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. The species are clearly illustrated in over 170 plates, with many variants. The main identifying features of each species are described and key facts cover size, voice, range and status, habitat, specific country and breeding. The book also includes information on taxonomy and nomenclature, observing birds, climate, habitats, the breeding cycle, migration and conservation as well as a section on key birdwatching sites with maps.
This is a revised and updated edition of the book first published under the title A Field Guide to the Birds of Malaysia & Singapore (9781912081738)
Lim Kim Seng has 40 years’ experience of birdwatching across Malaysia. He has contributed to bird surveys in Peninsular Malaysia and also participated in bird races in Pahang, Selangor and Sabah. Yong Ding Li has worked extensively in Malaysia, having conducted field surveys and studies in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, and adjacent parts of Southeast Asia. Lim Kim Chuah has birded extensively in Southeast Asia and also conducted bird surveys in Peninsular Malaysia. Dana Gardner has illustrated over 24 books on birds and natural history. He has spent 10 years living and working in Southeast Asia, and Central and South America.
Specifications: • 210 x 148 mm (8¼ x 6“) • 396 pages • 100,000 words approx. • c.170 full colour plates
• 15 birdwatching site maps • ISBN 9781913679712 • £24.99 paperback • Available